
Attention! On the food packaging, the labeling of food additives is correct!

2021-05-14 16:33

The first point:

Food additives shall be labeled with the general title of food additives in the "Code for the Application of Food Additives in the National Standards for Food Safety" (GB 2760-2014).

If there are two or more titles for a food additive in the "Food Safety National Standards for the Application of Food Additives" (GB 2760-2014), each title is an equivalent general title. Taking "sodium cyclamate (also known as Glymesu)" as an example, both "sodium cyclamate" and "Glymesu" are generic titles.

Second point:

The food additives used in the product should be labeled truthfully, but the request to establish a "food additive item" is not compelled. On the label of the same prepackaged food, the food additives used can be marked in one of the following three ways:

1. All the detailed titles of food additives are declared. The title of food additives does not include its preparation method. For example, the caramel color consumed by ammonia consumption, common law, and ammonium sulfite method can be uniformly marked as "caramel color" on the label;

2. The functional category titles and international codes (INS numbers) of all food additives are declared. If a certain food additive does not yet have a corresponding international code, or due to the labeling requirements of allergenic substances, the detailed title can be declared, such as "phospholipids". Expressed as "soy phospholipid";

3. All the functional category titles of food additives shall be indicated, and the detailed titles shall be indicated at the same time. Food additives may have one or more functions. The "Guidelines for the Application of Food Additives in National Food Safety Standards" (GB 2760-2014) lists the main functions of food additives for reference. Consumer operation enterprises shall indicate the function category title on the label in accordance with the practical function of the food additive in the product.


Example: The food additive "Propylene Glycol" can be optionally labeled as:

3.1 Propylene glycol;

3.2 Thickener (1520);

3.3 Thickener (propylene glycol).

If two or more food additives with the same function are added to the food, they can choose to label their respective detailed titles; or choose to label the function category titles first, and then add their respective detailed titles or international codes (INS numbers) afterwards.

For example: it can be labeled as "carrageenan, guar gum", "thickener (carrageenan, guar gum)" or "thickener (407,412)".

If a certain food additive does not have an INS number, its detailed title can be indicated at the same time.

Examples: "Thickener (Carrageenan, Sodium Polyacrylate)" or "Thickener (407, Sodium Polyacrylate)".

The third point:

Labeling of compound food additives

Each food additive that has a functional effect in the final product should be declared one by one in the food ingredient list. If the title of compound food additives is marked, it should be noted that the naming rules of compound food additives should conform to the rules of the "General Rules of Food Safety National Standards for Compound Food Additives" (GB 26687-2011). Should be "composition" + "GB 2760 food additive function category title" or "composition" + "food category" + "GB 2760 food additive function category title", such as compound moisture sticking agent, or compound meat Product moisture retention agent, etc.

For example, if a food additive contains a compound colorant, it can be labeled as "complex colorant (natural carotene, amaranth)" or directly labeled "natural carotene, amaranth" in the ingredient list.

fourth point:

Labeling of auxiliary materials in food additives

When the auxiliary materials contained in food additives do not play a functional role in the final product, they do not need to be indicated in the ingredient list. The auxiliary materials in food additives are food raw materials and food additives added for the processing, storage, standardization, and dissolution of single or compound food additives. These substances do not play a functional role in the food using the food additive, and do not need to be labeled in the ingredients.

For example, lutein containing edible vegetable oil, dextrin, antioxidant and other auxiliary materials can be directly labeled as "lutein", or "colorant (lutein)" and "colorant (161b)".


Labeling of enzyme preparations

Enzyme preparations that have lost the vitality of enzymes in the final product do not need to be labeled; if the vitality of the enzymes is still maintained in the final product, the relevant rules of the food ingredient list shall be followed, and the amount of enzyme preparations used in the manufacture or processing of food shall be followed. Arranged in the corresponding position of the ingredient list.

Companies can also indicate the processing aids, enzyme preparations, and food additives that do not require the labeling of auxiliary materials that do not perform the process in the list of ingredients.

Sixth point:

Labeling of food nutrition fortifiers

Food nutrient fortifiers shall be labelled in accordance with the "Guidelines for the Use of Food Nutrients" (GB 14880-2012) or the title announced by the former Health and Family Planning Commission.

Ingredients that can be used as food additives or food nutrition fortifiers as well as other ingredients should be labeled according to the standard of their role in the final product. When used as a food additive, it should be labeled as the title of the rules in the "Food Safety National Standards for the Application of Food Additives" (GB 2760-2014); when used as a food nutrition fortifier, it should be declared in the "Food Nutrition fortifier Application Specifications" "(GB 14880-2012) the title of the rules; when it is used as other ingredients, the corresponding detailed title should be indicated. E.g. Monosodium glutamate (sodium glutamate) can be used as a condiment or as a food additive. When used as a food additive, it should be labeled as sodium glutamate, and when used as a condiment, it should be labeled as monosodium glutamate.

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