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Attention! On the food packaging, the labeling of food additives is correct!

The first point:Food additives shall be labeled with the general title of food additives in the "Code for the Application of Food Additives in the National Standards for Food Safety" (GB 2760-2014)...

Points to note in the use of flavors

(1) Shake well when using liquid flavors or paste flavors. In order to facilitate the use of paste flavors, preheat it with warm water (about 50°C). When adding flavor, it is best to dilute the fla...

Food rumors: food additives cannot be used

Food additives refer to artificial or natural substances that participate in food for the purpose of improving food quality, color, aroma and taste, as well as for the needs of anti-corrosion, pres...

What is the true face of "flavor"?

The socalled "flavor" is actually the food flavor that people often say.

The safety of fragrance

The key factor that affects the safety of food flavors is its raw materials, which mainly fall into three categories:

The basic introduction of flavor

Flavors can be divided into two categories: sweet flavors and salty flavors. Fragrance composition: Fragrance is composed of at least several kinds of fragrance materials

Flavors are widely used in the food industry

Food flavors refer to substances that can be used to formulate food flavors and enhance food flavors. It can not only increase appetite, facilitate digestion and absorption,